LEVEL A1.2/A2.1






TV is by far the most popular type of mass media. Why is that so, if everybody criticizes it (= expresses a negative opinion about it)? Viewers (= people who watch TV) don’t really think that it is objective (= neutral), they also complain (= say they are unhappy) about too many commercials (= advertisements) and presenters are rarely attractive enough to satisfy everybody. Some people even believe that TV indoctrinates its viewers (= it repeats an idea very often to make somebody believe it). Still we can’t live without TV, can we?


More contexts for the new words:

  • Many people say TV is rather subjective. (= It shows only one point of view)
  • The BBC is publicly funded. (= The country pays for it)




Decide if the sentences below are true or false. Correct the false ones.


  1. TV and the radio are mass media.
  2. ‘Complain’ and ‘criticise’ are synonyms.
  3. When you indoctrinate someone, you help them with their work.
  4. A presenter is someone who brings presents.
  5. ‘Objective’ and ‘subjective’ are opposites.
  6. Commercials are a type of advertising.





Rearrange the words and phrases to make questions, and then answer them.


  1. favourite/ Who/ your/ presenter?/ is
  2. your/ is/ commercial?/ What/ favourite
  3. TV/ viewers?/ Do you think/ its/ indoctrinates



Let’s look at the very last sentence from the text above:
„Still we can’t live without it, can we?”

The important part here is the last expression in the sentence. This construction is called a question tag and we use it to emphasize what we have just said.

How do we use it? When the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative:
You can dance very well, can’t you?
You can speak English, can’t you?

When the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive:
You can’t ski, can you?
She can’t speak English, can she?



A/ What are you eating tonight?

B/ A TV DINNER again, I’m afraid.


A TV dinner is a ready meal – one that you buy already cooked, so that you only have to heat it before eating it.





  1. When you TUNE IN, you listen to or watch a particular broadcast on the radio or television.

Millions of people tuned in to watch the election results.
Be sure to tune in to next week’s show.


  1. When you TUNE OUT, you stop paying attention.

I just tuned out and let my wife take over.

He talks such nonsense that I just tune him out.





Match the sentence halves.


  1. Millions tuned in                                                    a) for your health.
  2. Jack is so boring that I always tune out            b) to watch the final match.
  3. A TV dinner is not good                                       c) when I listen to him.





Monica Richisson has just been chosen the best TV presenter of the year. Monica, now 35 and a happy mother, has been on TV for ten years. During that time she has become the favourite of millions, with her auburn hair, hazel eyes and charming smile. But most importantly, it is her ruthless way of treating politicians that has won her the approval of TV viewers. Monica never hesitates to ask the difficult questions, and she can see through the politicians’ tricks and lies. No wonder she has won the award. Congratulations, Monica!



auburn – red

hazel – light brown

ruthless – cruel, aggressive, without mercy

to win sb’s approval – to become liked by sb

to hesitate – to think twice before doing sth



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  1. True
  2. True
  3. False – you try to make them believe something
  4. False – it’s someone who appears and speaks on TV
  5. True
  6. True


  1. Who is your favourite presenter?
  2. What is your favourite commercial?
  3. Do you think TV indoctrinates its viewers?


  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
